Archive | September, 2011

The Auntichrist Anthology is Open for Submissions

12 Sep

Wow. Is it that time? The end of the world as we know it??

No. Close, but no.

It’s time to send your awesome, crazy, messed-up, unforgettable aunt stories to the editors of the Auntichrist Anthology, an collaborative work-in-progress all about (you guessed it) aunts.

Fiction Guidelines: Send short fiction or self-contained novel excerpts of ten pages or fewer (length exceptions will be made only for the most thrilling, exceptional work) to our managing editor at Please send Word documents only, as attachments. If you do not have MS Word, please include your piece in the body of the email.

Nonfiction Guidelines: Send short humor / horror stories to the above email address and follow the fiction guidelines for everything else.

Please, no poetry. Thanks.

Deadline: Sunday, January ONE, 2012

Bookmark this site and check back for more information, links to aunt-related miscellany, author interviews, events, and much, much more!