We are Remaining Open for Submissions in 2012

18 Jan

Hello fans of auntie literature. I know you all have stories you’ve been trying to convince all the snooty, highbrow publications that they want (I’ve been trying to sell sci-fi to places like McSweeneys and Zoetrpoe since I was in kindergarten), but perhaps your stuff is too unconventional, too off-the-beaten path…

Have no fear. Even if the aunt involved in your work is a MINOR character, a past influence on present circumstances, we still want to see your work!

Your aunt is important to us!

Please send fiction and nonfiction under 7500 words to:


You will be notified within 6 weeks if your work has been chosen to appear in the anthology, which is scheduled to wrap in the Fall of 2013.

Let’s all give a shout-out to the Aunts of the world!

We salute you!

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